While reading your Bible at least once every year as it is the custom of many Christians and is highly recommended to many other Christians worldwide, have you ever come to the passage of scripture in Genesis 9:20-23 where Noah became drunk and ended up being naked, how about the passage in Genesis 20:1-6 where Abraham lies to Abimelech about his wife Sarah and God nearly strikes the King dead. As if these examples are not enough, the Bible continues to give an account of Moses exalting himself and striking the Rock instead of talking to it as he has been instructed by God and this costed him the price of entering the Promised Land.(Numbers 20:7-13). How about Elijah’s murmurings in I Kings 19 after the contest with the false prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel? Have you also read in II Samuel 11 about David’s great ‘double sin’ of having a sexual affair with Uriah’s wife and also making Uriah be killed in the battle field? Or Jonah’s rebellious spirit for not wanting to go to Nineveh to deliver the message of the Lord and instead running to Tarshish which made the sailors and business people lost a lot of ‘money’ by throwing their goods into the sea? How about Peter’s denial of our Lord Jesus Christ on the night when He was about to be crucified on the Cross because of the sins of all humankind? How about the passage in Acts 15:36-41 where Paul not wanting to go to mission work with John Mark because he had earlier deserted them and as a result a sharp disagreement coming up between Paul and Barnabas and Barnabas taking John Mark and sailing with him to Cyprus while Paul takes Silas and goes through ‘Syria and Cilicia strengthening the churches.’?
These Bible characters are some of the noblest ones in the whole Bible and it is very rare in one’s Christian walk not to hear about their stories. As I was trying to reflect on them, I came to realize that they failed in their walk with the Lord in one way or another as the stories tell clearly but at the same time, they did not remain in the state of being failures but started again afresh and continued to serve the Lord.
Have you ever felt like being a failure in your walk with the Lord and thought that you have completely missed it out, I would like to encourage us all that we still have the potential of being successful through failing when we go back to the Lord with all our hearts and ask of Him to remould us again for ‘we are the clay and He is the potter.’
“You must have long-range goals to keep you from being frustrated by short-term failures.” Charles Noble.
“Success is that way just a little after the splat. It is not time yet to throw in the towel.” Unknown Guru
God bless you richly
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