Sunday, July 19, 2009

Consecration of Bishop Nixon A. Dingili

On July 19th, 2009, the Free Methodist Church of Kenya had a maiden step with the consecration of Rev. Nixon A. Dingili as her first Bishop. The Consecration Service was held at Karinde Church which is the Kenyan Free Methodist Church Headquarters with the leadership of Rev. Dr. Bishop Elie Buconyori who is the Bishop of The Burundi General Conference and the Vice President of the World Conference of the Free Methodist Church. He was assisted by Bishop Samuel Kainamura of the Rwanda General Conference.

Dr. Elie Buconyori shared from Ephesians 2:11-22 and Mark 7:31-37 and shared about the Mission of the Free Methodist Church which in brief is ‘All people deserve to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ’.

From the Sermon, the following were emphasized;

Ø Sin destroyed the unity of creation though God created people to live in harmony with each other and to worship Him.

Ø The destroyed unity as a result of sin has been restored by Jesus Christ at His Cross where all Jews, Gentiles, Circumcised, Uncircumcised, educated and uneducated all become Christians. At the Cross of Jesus, peace prevails between God and people and people and people.

Ø The Church of Jesus Christ with Christ as her leader should be talking on behalf of those who cannot talk like orphans, widows, street children etc because when Christ becomes part of our lives as Christians in the Church, then the Church can harvest the consequences of peace amongst the communities.

Let’s keep on praying for Bishop Nixon Dingili as he shepherds the Free Methodist Church of Kenya.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

24th Graduation Ceremony at NEGST (Africa International University)

On the 4th of July 2009, Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology (Africa International University), on its 24th Graduation ceremony, a total of 105 students graduated with Masters Degree, Post Graduate Diplomas, Diplomas and Certificates after completing their studies. The graduands were from the following countries; Kenya, Tanzania, Nigeria, Sudan, Uganda, Benin Republic, U.S.A., Ethiopia, Burundi, South Korea, Rwanda and United Kingdom.

The theme of the graduation was ‘Truth and its Transforming Power’ from John 8:32 and the Guest Speaker was Professor John Mbiti whose graduation Address was, “‘You will know the Truth, and the Truth will make you free’ (John 8:32) Towards a Christian University in Africa and its Mission in Society’”.

The speaker was giving an explanation on what is truth? And from the Address, several aspects of truth were given;

· Truth doesn’t fade

· Truth is gigantic and enormous

· Truth is powerful and invincible

· Truth gives direction and orientation

· Truth confronts individuals with burning questions

· Truth sets people free to know themselves and others as it travels slowly and steadily and it is possible for the elements of truth to remain dormant before they come out

· Truth provides shades and shelter without discrimination and it is accessible to and available at all times

· Truth is higher, deeper and broader as it contains abundant waters that quench thirst

· Truth is life giving, sustaining and self propagating as it doesn’t attack, kill or steal but instead gives rest, security and peace.

· Truth is enduring and lasting as it has eternal dimensions

Absolute truth is in and from God and cannot be uprooted by the devil neither can it be altered nor polluted by falsehood.

St. Augustine said, “Our hearts are restless until we find rest in God.”

As believers in Jesus Christ, we already know the truth as it is clearly stated in the Bible, John 14:6, “Jesus answered; I am the Truth, the Way and the Life….” May we take our time as believers in Jesus Christ to continue sharing the Good News to all as we participate in the Great Commission as stated in Matthew 28:19-20, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of age.”